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164 Results

Evening Primroses - A model for cytoplasmic speciation barriers and functional asexuality

Speaker: Stephan Greiner, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology Web page: www​.mpimp-​golm​.mpg​.de/​11105/​Stephan​_Greiner Hosts: Stephen Wright and Marc Johnson…


Natural variation in temperature perception and response of Arabidopsis thaliana

Sureshkumar Balasubramanian, University of Monash Abstract: Temperature affects almost all aspects of plant development. The molecular processes underlying temperature perception and response have been in of interest in our group….


SA-zygotic drive of the sex chromosomes: a new form of cryptic genomic conflict

Speaker: Bill Rice, UC Santa Barbara Rice web: www​.eemb​.ucsb​.edu/​people/​faculty/​rice Host: Aneil Agrawal…


EEB’s Lisa Erdle talks about microplastics, the environment, and research in the Rochman lab

EEB’s Lisa Erdle talks about microplastics, the environment,and research in the Rochman lab. Listen to the full interview on CBC’s The Current: www​.cbc​.ca/​radio/​thecurrent/​the-​current-​for-​march-​26-​2018-​1​.4592936 Note: the segment starts at 01:40 into…


Niche breadth in monkeyflowers: how does intraspecific variation structure species' distributions?

Speaker: Kelly Carscadden, Appraisal seminar Hosts: Marc Cadotte and Ben Gilbert Cadotte Lab www​.utsc​.utoronto​.ca/​~mcadotte/​Cadotte​_lab/​People​.html Gilbert Lab labs​.eeb​.utoronto​.ca/​gilbert/​people​.htm…


Gibo, David L.

…is long distance migration of butterflies and dragonflies, particularly flight tactics and navigation of the Monarch butterfly. I also maintain a website (Tactics and Vectors – www​.erin​.utoronto​.ca/​~w3gibo ) on butterfly…


Indirect interactions shape selection in a multi-species foodweb

…cause indirect effects on species interactions in a complex ecological network. All work was done at the Koffler Scientific Reserve (KSR) field station. Full articles can be read here: www​.journals​.uchicago​.edu/​doi/​pdfplus/​10​.1086/​701785…


Safe Evolution initiative

…developing the Safe Evolution initiative, which is meant to establish code of conduct for the Evolution societies and procedures for reporting harassment and discrimination (details here www​.evolutionmeetings​.org/​safe-​evolution​.html)​. Everyone is welcome!…


Sauropods: Titans of the Mesozoic

…ever. Come discover the evolutionary history of these extraordinary titans, and learn about the sauropods in the ROM galleries. Included in ROM admission, followed by coffee/tea and treats. RSVP: www​.rom​.on​.ca/​en/​whats-​on/​rom-​daytime-​sauropods-​titans-​of-​the-​mesozoic…


Choose your poison: Evolutionary genetics of ethanol resistance in Drosophila melanogaster

Speaker: James Fry, University of Rochester web page: www​.rochester​.edu/​College/​BIO/​people/​faculty/​fry​_james/​…