Awards & Recognitions

2021 EEB Undergrad Research Fair Poster Winners

Last week we held the 2021 EEB Undergraduate Research Fair virtually over Zoom. For those of you who were able to attend, we hope you enjoyed hearing from the student researchers.

The past year has been challenging for everyone, with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing changes in all our lives. The resiliency, professionalism and dedication of our students is absolutely astounding, matched only by their knowledge and enthusiasm for the diverse and interesting research they took part in over the course of the year.

Please give special compliments to the winners of the Corey A. Goldman Prize for Best Research Posters in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. 

Global Change, Organisms & Ecosystems
Best Poster: Natasha Djuric (Supervisor: Shelby Riskin)
Honourable Mention: Jacy Newfeld (Supervisor: Jonathan Ruppert)

Ecological Interactions
Best Poster: Teagan Netten (Supervisor: Njal Rollinson)
Honourable Mention: Chantelle Lam (Supervisor: Helen Rodd)

Genetics, Evolution & Environment
Best Poster: Sarah Ravoth (Supervisor: Art Weis)
Honourable Mention: Jameson Kunkel (Supervisor: Art Weis)

Biodiversity & Morphology
Best Poster: Zifang Xiong (Supervisor: Luke Mahler)
Honourable Mention: Sophia Fan (Supervisor: Sebastian Kvist)

Conservation & Management
Best Poster: Claudia Lacroix (Supervisors: Njal Rollinson & Marie-Josée Fortin)
Honourable Mention: Dorsa Nouri Parto (Supervisor: Nicole Mideo)

Congratulations to all of the students for a job well done and a special congratulations to the award winners!
A special thank you to our panel of judges this year: Megan Bontrager (Stinchcombe Lab), Adriana Bravo (Assistant Professor), Leah Chibwe (Rochman Lab), Tiziana A. Gelmi Candusso (Fortin Lab), Rafaela F. Gutierrez (Rochman Lab), Katja Kasimatis (Rowe & Cutter Labs), Sebastian Kvist (Assistant Professor), Nicole Mideo (Associate Professor), Rosalind Murray (Rowe Lab), and Matt Osmond (Assistant Professor).

All posters can be viewed at