Ecologists and evolutionary biologists recognize that all life has evolved and that an understanding of the factors influencing the origin and maintenance of biological diversity − from genomes to ecosystems − underlies all life sciences and is critical to our stewardship of life on this planet.
The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (EEB) aims to produce citizens who are literate in the ecological and evolutionary principles that form the foundation for understanding life on Earth, how human and natural factors influence nature, and how changes to nature influence public health, the economy, and other societal priorities.
EEB programs prepare students in these foundations of life science for future careers in data science, research, medicine and healthcare, government agencies, environmental and conservation non-profits, and many other industries.
Our Programs
The EEB Department offers the following programs: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (Specialist, Major); Biodiversity & Conservation Biology (Major), Environmental Biology (Major, Minor), Quantitative Biology (Major), general Biology (Specialist, Major, Minor).
We offer a diverse collection of courses that explore biological diversity, conservation biology, molecular evolution, population and quantitative genetics, computational and statistical data analysis, genomics, animal behaviour, the ecology of populations, communities, and ecosystems, mathematical theory in biology, environmental biology, and systematics.
Research Courses
Our students are encouraged to participate in cutting-edge research. Research opportunities are available to students in their second, third, and fourth years, throughout the year.
Field Courses
One to two are offered each year to locations such as South American tropics, Algonquin Park, and U of T’s Koffler Scientific Reserve (north of Toronto).
Scholarships & Awards
We offer various awards and bursaries for undergraduates in all years. We also offer a variety of summer research awards and opportunities that present opportunities for students to work in our faculty research labs and in the field.
Contact Us
We are happy to help you with academic advising related to EEB and the general Biology programs and courses. We will listen, offer answers, options, clarification, and advice, and can refer students to other more specialized services offered by the University of Toronto.
We strongly recommend that you review your progress in your program(s) regularly on Degree Explorer. If you have any questions or concerns about your EEB program, please contact us and we will be happy to review your program with you.
We are committed to returning emails in a timely manner. In your email, please include your name and student number.
Second-Year Learning Community
Connect with other second-year students and peers in the department. Explore opportunities and careers!
Career Exploration
Career Resources
Explore your career path, build your resume, and gain experience as an EEB undergrad!
- EEB Outstanding Teaching Assistant AwardNominate an outstanding TA!Do you have a TA that goes the extra mile to make your learning experience more enjoyable? You can show your appreciation by nominating them for the EEB Outstanding TA award.