Frederick P. Ide Graduate Scholarship
The Frederick P. Ade Graduate Scholarship was established by the estate of Frederick P. Ide and is matched by the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF). It is awarded to a graduate student in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Frederick P. Ide

Professor Frederick Palmer Ide, BA 1928, MA 1930, PhD 1934, died January 19,1996 in his 92nd year. Professor Ide was an Instructor, 1930-33;Lecturer, 1933-39; Assistant Professor of Biology, 1939-41; and AssistantProfessor of Entomology, 1941-43. His war service was with Transport Canada asan Assistant Meterologist, specifically with that portion of the organizationwhich had the responsibility for war-time transatlantic flights originating inCanada. Professor Ide had pre-war training in meterology and he maintained alifelong interest in the responses of insects to weather and climate. ProfessorIde resumed his university career: Assistant Professor of Etomology, 1945-50;Associate Professor of Zoology, 1950-62; Professor of Zoology, 1962-70;Professor Emeritus 1970-96. Professor Ide received the University of TorontoSesquicentennial Long Service Honour Award in 1977.
It was through his insect and weather expertise that he was calledon to advise on the spraying of forest insects, especially in New Brunswick.Dr. Ide’s greatest interest was in the systematics of aquatic invertebrates andstream ecology. He amassed large databases on the fauna of selected streams insouth-central Ontario; these faunal surveys were repeated in recent years andthe comparisons, which spanned 30 to 50 years, provided excellent evidence onthe adverse biological effects of the continuing acidification of thesestreams.
Professor Ide had an encyclopaedic knowledge of what organisms werefound where in southern and south-central Ontario. Some years ago, a studentexited the elevator with a bucket of live clams and passed by the Professor.Dr. Ide barely glanced down and said, “I see you’ve been collecting on theFrench River.” To the incredulous student he added, with that twinkle in hiseye, “They only look like that in the French River.”
Professor Ide retired in 1970 to his house in Washago and complainedthat his mail went to Wasaga.
A bequest by Professor Ide of his life savings made it possible toendow many awards for graduate students in all aspects of zoological study.
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