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Graduate Program Requirements

The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) establishes procedures for completion of MSc and PhD degrees at the University of Toronto.  

All students should become familiar with these procedures by referring to the online version of the SGS Calendar.  

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) has established additional or modified practices that are detailed under MSc and PhD Program Regulations in the EEB Graduate Handbook.

General Graduate Regulations

Photo by Patrick Moldowan


Graduate students in science at the University of Toronto, whether domestic or international, are provided financial support in the form of an annual base stipend made up of a base amount of $18,000 plus tuition and fees (including UHIP for international students). Departments may increase the stipend amount but cannot offer less than this minimum guarantee. This support is provided while students are in the EEB “funded cohort” (see Graduate Stipends).

Completion of Program

A graduate student’s primary academic mentor is the research supervisor. In addition, a Supervisory Committee comprising the research supervisor (and co-supervisor if relevant), and other faculty members from EEB, help guide all students through their program of research and study. Students are examined on their final thesis, and PhD students are also required to pass a mid-program Appraisal Examination, to deliver two research seminars to EEB, and to complete all program requirements except the thesis and second seminar by the end of their third year (fourth year for direct entry with a BSc). 

To assist the student in completing these milestones on time, tracking data for every student will be maintained. While EEB will make every effort to alert students if required, it is ultimately the responsibility of the student and supervisor to ensure that each milestone is completed on time, that the Graduate Office is informed ahead of time of meetings and examinations, and that appropriate documentation is submitted.