2020-21 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
Initial applications are now being accepted for the prestigious Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship program for 2020-21. Canadians and non-Canadians are eligible for these fellowships, which provide 2 years of support at $70,000 per year.
For information on the application process in EEB, see the attached Announcement (pdf).
For the process at the University of Toronto, see the attached Announcement and Application Tip Sheet (pdfs).
Application Process
Briefly: To begin the application process for the University of Toronto, the applicants should first contact and obtain the agreement of a faculty advisor (or co-advisors) who is a member of EEB’s graduate faculty. Please see this list for eligible faculty members.
For faculty at UTSC, the applications will go through UTSC. For information including deadlines for the internal and pre-application vetting process here’s a link to the UTSC website page for the Bantings. For questions please contact: Sharon George who will be able to direct you to the correct person.
For faculty at UTM, the applications will go through UTM. Please contact the potential advisor(s) or for the deadlines and requirements for the application and any pre-application steps, or Rong Wu who will be able to direct you to the correct person.
For candidates applying to faculty at St. George and the ROM, the nomination process will include a preliminary short application that will be evaluate internally. The top two (2) pre-applications will be nominated to then complete key sections of the full Banting application by Aug. 1,2020 for the Faculty of Arts and Science competition (information will be sent about requirements for the FAS competition to the top 2 applicants), and these will be considered for full evaluation with applicants from other fields.
Preliminary application materials must be submitted as a single PDF in a single email to: Locke Rowe and cc’d to LizRentzelos by July 21, 2020.
Details on this internal process are given in the attached Announcement (pdf).