
Risky Business: Hormones, Frogs, and You

Event Details

November 10, 2014
7:00 pm
Northrop Frye Building, Room 003


Speaker: Dr. Tyrone Hayes, Berkeley will talk about his scientific research on endocrine disrupting chemicals, his personal experience in the sciences, the relationship between science and industry, and the role of the scientist in society.

Hosted: by IHPST and Vic College’s Science and Society Program, in conjunction

with Environmental Defense Canada and the Society for Conservation


Dr Hayes is well known for his work on pesticides and frogs. His

struggles with pesticide maker Syngenta became very public and have

been documented in the New Yorker magazine and Harpers. Here’s the
New Yorker piece:

Registration is free, but please register for the talk:

Register here

Flyer (pdf)

Directions to Northrop Frye Building, Room 003