Corey Goldman
Corey was the EEB Associate Chair (Undergraduate) from the department’s inception in July 2006 to December 2016, and a course coordinator for introductory biology for over 30 years (BIO110Y, 1983 to 1990; BIO150Y, 1990 to 2010; BIO120H, 2011 to 2014; BIO220H, 2012 and 2013). Corey has also taught EEB388H Diversity of Mammals and EEB204H Diversity of Living Organisms, a course for non-science students.
In 1995, Corey founded the U of T National Biology Competition and was its director for 25 years. This annual competition for high school students is held across Canada each April and over 120,000 students have participated since 1995. In 2005, Corey created the Faculty of Arts and Science’s First-Year Learning Communities Program (FLC or “flick”), which helps entering students make a meaningful connection to their university. He has received several awards for his teaching and service to students including the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Outstanding Teaching Award, the U of T Alumni Association’s Joan E. Foley Quality of Student Experience Award, a National Technology Innovation Award, the University of Toronto’s highest teaching honour, the President’s Teaching Award, and the Province of Ontario’s Leadership in Faculty Teaching (LIFT) Award.