
Congratulations to our faculty members!

Corey Goldman

Corey Goldman has been promoted to Professor, Teaching Stream, effective July 1, 2018, recognizing his long-standing and outstanding contributions to teaching at the University.

Corey has provided exemplary teaching within our department and has served as an academic leader in both our undergraduate programs and their administration, as well as developing and leading many initiatives within the Faculty of Arts and Science. As the University has only recent approved the academic title of Professor, Teaching Stream, it is wonderful to see Corey be among the initial few to receive this promotion and recognition.

JR Stinchcombe

John Stinchcombe has been awarded the title Distinguished Professor of Ecological Genetics, effective July 1, 2019, recognizing his outstanding research and teaching contributions at the University.

John’s record in research and teaching is excellent. The awarding of this new title formally recognizes John’s many successes and his broad contributions to the Department and University. Distinguished Professorships are a relatively recent addition to the University and it is great to have John join this exclusive group.