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Today‘s Booking

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Showing 1 booking
July 22
  • 9:00 AM
  • 10:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM
  • 12:00 PM
  • 1:00 PM
  • 2:00 PM
  • 3:00 PM
  • 4:00 PM
  • 5:00 PM
  • 6:00 PM

Meeting Rooms

FOB access is required to unlock booked meeting rooms & labs.

Fobs can be picked up at EEB Reception between 10:00AM-12:30PM and 1:30PM- 4:00PM

Housekeeping RulesAll bookings must adhere to the housekeeping expectations below

  1. Do not move any furniture in or out of the meeting spaces.
  2. No liquor allowed in any of the meeting spaces.
  3. Please be mindful of your booking start and end times so the next meeting can start on time.
  4. Ensure the room configuration is returned to its original set up.
  5. Food and garbage must be gathered up and disposed of in the proper garbage containers OUTSIDE of the room.
  6. Please wipe down table tops with water and clean up any spills
  7. Only white board markers are allowed on whiteboards; please erase the board after use.
  8. Turn off audio visual equipment and lights.
  9. Please report any room damage as soon as possible to the EEB Reception desk .

Booking PolicyEEB has set the following priorities for the use of meeting rooms

  1. Meeting room spaces can be booked on a semester basis only. Meeting rooms will be reset at the beginning of each semester (Sept 1, Jan 1, May 1).
  2. Bookings will be allowed on a first come/first serve basis.
    • EEB Courses
    • Faculty and Staff meetings
    • Graduate student exams
    • Lab meetings
    • Student meetings
    • Workshops
    • Other uses related to EEB/CSB research/business
  3. No external bookings will be allowed.
  4. Only one meeting room booking per day per request is allowed. Duplicate reservations will be removed. Tentative bookings may be allowed in more than one room however, they must be released within 24 hours.
  5. Please cancel or release the hold on your room booking in a timely fashion to free up the space for others to use.
  6. Key access to meeting rooms can be obtained from the EEB Reception desk. Please return the key as soon as possible.
  7. The maximum capacity of the room is noted under Meeting Room Information. Please do not exceed the room capacity as this is a fire prevention requirement.

Parking Space #798

Parking Space #798 is a restricted departmental parking space beside the ESC loading dock off Willcocks Street. This parking space cannot be used to obtain free parking for faculty, staff, research staff or student vehicles.

Use of this parking space is limited to the following:

  • Greenhouse & Chamber maintenance contractors
  • short term loading/off loading of research materials and supplies
  • Departmental bookable vehicles (not personal vehicles)

Department Vehicles

Booking and Policies

Only members of the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and approved members of the Department of Cell & Systems Biology (i.e. students, postdocs, visitors, faculty, and staff) are permitted to drive EEB-owned vehicles for research related purposes. For students, postdocs, visitors, and lab staff, authorization must be sent by the supervising faculty, via email, to reception, before the vehicle can be booked, and to authorize vehicle charges to your PI’s account. Please note that vehicles are not available for personal or recreational use.

Picking Up the VehicleDocumentation needed at vehicle pickup

When you pick up the vehicle, you must provide:

  1. A copy of the driver’s up-to-date, valid, full G license. The University’s insurance policy does not cover foreign driver’s licenses (including those from the United States). Drivers with these licenses will not be allowed to use the vehicles. If you are residing in Canada for more than 6 months at a time, you must exchange your foreign license for an Ontario Driver’s License. Information on how to do this can be found on the Ministry of Transportation website.
  2. A list of all vehicle occupants.
  3. A destination point (i.e. KSR, Codrington, Algonquin, etc.).
  4. An explanation of Research to be conducted (i.e. collecting materials, surveys, transport etc)
  5. You must read and sign the policies regarding vehicle usage while at reception, prior to using the vehicle.
  6. Accounting information, provided by your PI (i.e. NSERC).

Returning the VehicleInstructions & requirements for vehicle return

When you return the vehicle, you must provide:

  1. A filled-out copy of the Vehicle Checklist. The checklist should list any issues with the vehicle that occurred during the trip and should specify the km reading at the start and end of your trip.
  2. Kindly return the vehicle with a full tank of gas, attaching any receipts for the gas purchase to the Vehicle Checklist

Vehicle must be returned with a full gas tank. If the vehicle is returned with less than 3/4 of a tank, the department reserves the right to bill the PI for the difference in gas when the costs are being recovered.

Policies and Guidelines

  1. You must follow safety guidelines, including those found in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 below.
  2. Drive within your capabilities and to existing conditions. Rough and loose surfaces, periodic washouts, a variety of pedestrian and vehicular traffic combined with narrow rights-of-way, obstructions blown down in storms and on-coming traffic demand that drivers remain wary and cautious at all times. If weather is inclement, stop and stay overnight in a safe place. The additional lodging cost is worth avoiding the risk.
  3. Be careful. A slow speed, particularly on hills and curves, is the best defense against washboard and rough and loose surfaces. Avoid the shoulders of gravel roads, especially in the spring and fall when heavy precipitation will cause them to become soft. Be careful of debris on road (rocks, branches, pot holes, loose gravel, standing water, etc.). Such debris is another good reason to slow down.
  4. There is no “off road” driving, even if your vehicle is equipped with four-wheel drive.
  5. Be very cautious of wildlife at the side of the road: slow down to 5 to 10km/hour immediately. Frequently, rather than returning on their own trail, wildlife will choose to cross the road in front of you. Drive more slowly at night.
  6. Do not use a telephone while driving. Stop the vehicle in a safe area to use a cell phone or have a passenger operate it.
  7. Drinking and/or possession of intoxicating liquor or illegal drugs in vehicles or driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited.
  8. Driver fatigue is the leading cause of traffic accidents. Fatigue affects driver perception, information processing, and reaction times. At its extreme, fatigue can cause a driver to fall asleep on the wheel. Fatigue can arise from factors including night driving, intended wakefulness, inadequate sleep, and sleep disorders. Warning signs of fatigue include: forgetfulness, impaired decision making and communication, slower reaction times, staring ahead instead of scanning surrounding conditions, drooping eyelids, close calls, such as drifting into another land or not maintaining a safe following distance. If exhibiting these symptoms, stop driving immediately. Driving through the night is not permitted. Front passengers should remain awake to help keep the driver alert during all shifts. Take a mandatory 30-minute rest break every four hours. Do not drive more than ten hours in any 24-hour period.
  9. Remove any dirt, trash, etc before you return the vehicle. If the vehicle is dirty when you pick it up, please let reception know.

Policies outlined in the University of Toronto Guidelines for Safety in Field Research and policies of the Risk Management and Insurance Department apply.

AccidentsWhat to do in the case of an accident

  1. Contact the Metropolitan Toronto Police immediately. If there are any life-threatening injuries, call 911. If there are minor or no injuries, call the non-emergency line at 416-808-2222.
  2. Get the officer’s name, badge number, police division number, and police occurrence number.
  4. Obtain names, addresses and insurance information of the other driver(s) and owner(s) of the car(s) involved in the accident.
  5. Obtain names and contact information of any witnesses.
  6. Get names and addresses of the injured people, and note kind of injuries.
  7. If the accident is minor in nature and does not involve any other parties, visit the nearest Collision Reporting Centre to file an accident report. This should be done within 24 hours of the accident, especially in the case of a hit-and-run as the deductible may be waived in some cases.
  8. Notify the Insurance and Claims Administrator for the University of Toronto, Tanya V. Patina (contact information provided below). 
  9. A Driver’s Report of Accident Form must also be provided at the time claim is made.

Contact information for Tanya V. Patina:

Insurance and Claims Administrator
U of T Risk Management and Insurance Department
215 Huron Street, Room 300
Toronto, ON M5S 1A2
Tel: 416-978-7484
Fax: 416-971-3061