EEB Graduate Student Association
The Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Association (EGSA) represents all EEB graduate students across the University of Toronto’s three campuses and the Royal Ontario Museum.
Our Role

Student Resources
The EGSA engages with graduate students and encourages participation within the department and university community. We also help students access the services and benefits available to them through the EEB Department, the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union (UTGSU), the University of Toronto Education Workers Union (CUPE 3902), and other university-affiliated organizations. The EGSA also maintains regular ties with the EEB Undergraduate Student Union and Cell & Systems Biology Graduate Union.
Grad Student Life
The EGSA actively contributes to the professional and social life of the department. Each year, through the generosity of the Atwood family, the graduate student body selects and invites a distinguished scientist to deliver the concluding lecture of the departmental colloquium. The EGSA also helps organize a number of departmental socials, including the HallowEEB, Holiday party, graduate student winter retreat to Hart House/KSR, and Darwin Day celebrations with Darwin lecture. The EGSA also organizes an EEB graduate student seminar series and journal club.
Community Support
The EGSA has been able to support the local and larger community through our annual fundraising efforts, including contributions to Pathways to Education and Ontario Nature. Within the department, we contribute to a number of scholarships, conferences, and partially offset the costs of thesis binding for both masters and doctoral students.
Get Involved!
During the fall and winter terms, we have monthly meetings where we discuss important issues affecting EEB graduate students. The EGSA executive team consists of two co-presidents (elected), a treasurer (elected), and a number of dedicated volunteers. Please visit our website and join our Facebook group, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Graduate Students Association (UofT), for additional information. Graduate students are integral to the life of every academic department, so please consider participating in and supporting your EGSA!
Your Grad Student Groups
EEB Graduate Student Association
The EGSA Represents grad students in the EEB Department across all three campuses
University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union
Represents all graduate students at the University of Toronto
CUPE 3902
Represents all contract education workers at UofT, including graduate students employed as Teaching Assistants