Carl E. Atwood Graduate Award
The Carl E. Atwood Graduate Award in Zoology was established by the family, friends, and colleagues of Professor Carl E. Atwood and matched by (OSOTF). It is awarded to a graduate student in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology who is studying animal biology.
Carl E. Atwood

Carl Atwood was born in Clyde River, Nova Scotia in 1906. As a youth he worked on farms and cut pulp logs to finance his education. He retained his outdoor skills, including gardening and axemanship throughout his life. He earned his B.Sc.A., 1931 and M.Sc. 1933 McGill and his Ph.D. 1937 from the University of Toronto. Dr. Atwood found part-time work, 1929 and on with Forest Entomology Division of the Dominion Department of Agriculture. Protection of the forest environment became his life’s work.
Early in his career Carl Atwood saw a need for the Canadian Forest industry to protect timber from insect damage. He was instrumental in establishing the Sault Sainte Marie Insect Laboratory and became its first head.
Dr. Atwood was appointed Professor of Forest Entomology at the University of Toronto in 1946 and retired in 1972. He was an effective and popular teacher of both undergraduate and graduate students and had an ability to recognize and foster scientific talent. Dr. Atwood responded to the paucity of teaching equipment by soliciting funds to buy 50 teaching microscopes to enable 112 students in his course to do laboratory work.

Professor Atwood played an active role as a volunteer in several environment-related organizations: Toronto Anglers and Hunters Association, Canadian National Sportsmen’s Show, Conservation Council of Ontario, Sierra Club, and worked in the development of Quetico Wilderness Park. To see Carl Atwood move through the bush use and axe, or paddle a canoe was like watching a bird soar or a trout swim; all grace, maximum effect with minimum effort.
Professor Atwood was an omnivorous reader with a remarkable knowledge of literature, history, and classical music.
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