EEB Awards
No applications are required. Students enrolled in EEB programs are automatically considered for the awards, if they meet the eligibility requirements.
The awards are assessed and awarded during the summer for the previous academic year. The funds are automatically awarded into the student’s account.
Please note if an award states that financial need must be considered, students on OSAP will only be considered. For awards that are based on academic merit with financial need considered, students on OSAP, as well as out of province students whose financial information is on file with the Faculty of Arts and Science, will also be considered.

Edwin J. Crossman Bursary
Awarded to students in fourth year; either full-time or part-time status. Awarded on the basis of financial need; academic merit is also considered. Awarded to students studying freshwater fishes, freshwater fisheries, freshwater ecology, or ecology (having taken at least one of the following courses: EEB319H1, EEB321H1, EEB322H1, EEB324H1, EEB328H1, EEB382H, EEB428H1, EEB440H1.
J. Bruce Falls Bursary
Awarded to a student entering fourth year; either full-time or part-time status. Awarded on the basis of financial need; academic merit may also be considered. Awarded to a student in a Specialist or Major program offered by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Jacques Berger Bursary
Awarded to a student entering or within third or fourth year; either full-time or part-time status. Awarded on the basis of financial need; academic merit is also considered. Awarded to students who have participated in an EEB field course. The award may be held only once.
Dr. Paul H.M. Guo Bursary
Awarded to students entering second, third or fourth year; either full-time or part-time status. Awarded on the basis of financial need; academic merit will also be considered. Students in a Specialist or Major program offered by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology are eligible, with preference given to students studying Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The award may be held more than once.
Raymond R. Langford Bursary
Awarded to a student in fourth year; either full-time or part-time status. Awarded on the basis of financial need. Awarded to student studying ecology or aquatic ecology (e.g. EEB319H1, EEB321H1, ENV334H1, EEB443H1).
Rustom H. Dastur Undergraduate Bursary
Awarded to one or more students taking an EEB field course. Awarded based on financial need and academic merit.
Corey A. Goldman Prize for Best Research Poster in Ecology And Evolutionary Biology
This Prize recognizes the top students within the Department for excellence in their 4th-year independent research projects and their presentations during the annual departmental poster fair competition.
Isabella Moffat Gilchrist Prize
Awarded to a student in second, third or fourth year; either full-time or part-time status. Awarded to student who earned the highest grade in Plant and Microbial Diversity.
J.R. Dymond Memorial Award
Awarded to a student in second or third year; either full-time or part-time status. Awarded on the basis of financial need; academic merit may also be considered. Awarded to a student in a Specialist or Major program offered by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology who has completed a core course in ecology ENV234H1, EEB319H1, or EEB321H1. The award may be held only once.
Dorothy Whiting Scholarship
Awarded to a student in fourth year; either full time or part-time status with an A average. Awarded to outstanding student in a program offered by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Edmund Murton Walker Scholarship
Awarded to a student in third or fourth year; either full-time or part-time status with an A average. Awarded to an outstanding student in a Specialist or Major program offered by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology selected on the basis of their entire university career. Financial need may be considered.
Hadwen-Walker Scholarship
Awarded to an outstanding student who is entering a third or fourth year in a Specialist or Major program offered by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Helen and James Savage Scholarship in Biology
To be awarded to a full-time student in the Faculty of Arts & Science proceeding to fourth year of an undergraduate program in Biology (either Ecology & Evolutionary Biology or Cell & Systems Biology), on the basis of academic merit. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. The award alternates between EEB and CSB, with EEB awarded in even years and CSB in odd.
Irvin S. Naylor Scholarship in Field Biology
Awarded to students with financial need and academic merit in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology who is participating in EEB field courses (e.g. EEB403H, 405H, 407H, 410H).
James D. Rising Scholarship
Awarded to a student with financial need and academic merit in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology who is participating in an EEB field course. The award can only be held once.