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Scroll to calendar listings to view all events and seminars offered by EEB

Atwood Colloquium in Ecology & Evolution

This special two-day event provides a fantastic opportunity to learn about the most exciting research in ecology & evolution being done at U of T and abroad. 

Broadening Representation & Equity With Science (BREWS)

We promote inclusion and equity through community-building tea breaks and data-driven discussions. We are always looking for speakers & ideas for discussions, so please get in touch!

Conservation Science Group

The EEB Conservation Group is a collaboration of undergrad & grad students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty interested in conservation science. 

Upcoming & Past Events

Showing 10/862 items
November 20

November 20, 2018 Guest Speaker: Douglas Erwin – Smithsonian

Guest Speaker: Douglas Erwin – Smithsonian Host: Jean-Bernard Caron Research Interests (from website) Most of my current research focuses on major evolutionary transitions and evolutionary innovation. I am currently attempting to understand both the role of developmental invention in generating novel morphologies and how new niches are constructed to facilitate the persistence of these new […]