Scroll to calendar listings to view all events and seminars offered by EEB
- EEB Seminars
- Livestream seminars can be viewed here seminar link.
Seminars in other departments
Atwood Colloquium in Ecology & Evolution
This special two-day event provides a fantastic opportunity to learn about the most exciting research in ecology & evolution being done at U of T and abroad.
Broadening Representation & Equity With Science (BREWS)
We promote inclusion and equity through community-building tea breaks and data-driven discussions. We are always looking for speakers & ideas for discussions, so please get in touch!
Conservation Science Group
The EEB Conservation Group is a collaboration of undergrad & grad students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty interested in conservation science.
Upcoming & Past Events
November 13, 2013 The eco-evolutionary dynamics of predator-prey systems:
How does (co)evolution alter community level population dynamics.
November 8, 2013 Sexual selection, condition-dependence and adaptation (in Drosophila)
Howard Rundle, University of Ottawa
November 4, 2013 Overcoming resistance to targeted cancer therapy
You are invited to attend the Robert A. Phillips Lecture that will be held on Monday, November 4, 2013 at 6 p.m.
November 1, 2013 DrosoNet: on the use of social network to understand the genetic and environmental factors affecting spread and stability of social transmission in Drosophila
Fred Mery, Laboratory of Evolution, Genomics and Speciation, CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France
October 30, 2013 The impact of chronic high temperature on anther and pollen development in cultivated Oryza species
Shaheen Bagha, Exit seminar
October 29, 2013 The snowshoe hare 10-year population cycle: impact of predator-induced maternal effects on epigenetic inheritance
Sophia Lavergne, Appraisal seminar
1pm SW403 UTSC
October 25, 2013 The dynamic interplay betwen micro and macro evolutionary processes: from mutation to species selection
Charlie Fenster, U. Maryland
October 21, 2013 The dynamics and influence of temperature in stream ecosystems
Cindy Chu, Jackson Lab
October 18, 2013 Genes, genomes and natural selection: how they shape a complex trait
Ian Dworkin, Michigan State University
October 17, 2013 Malaria infection dynamics: When reproductive synchrony can enhance parasite fitness
Megan Greischar, PhD Candidate in Ottar Bjornstad’s @Penn State
Note **11am**