Scroll to calendar listings to view all events and seminars offered by EEB
- EEB Seminars
- Livestream seminars can be viewed here seminar link.
Seminars in other departments
Atwood Colloquium in Ecology & Evolution
This special two-day event provides a fantastic opportunity to learn about the most exciting research in ecology & evolution being done at U of T and abroad.
Broadening Representation & Equity With Science (BREWS)
We promote inclusion and equity through community-building tea breaks and data-driven discussions. We are always looking for speakers & ideas for discussions, so please get in touch!
Conservation Science Group
The EEB Conservation Group is a collaboration of undergrad & grad students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty interested in conservation science.
Upcoming & Past Events
April 5, 2013 EEB Undergraduate Research Fair
Simone Immler, Uppsala Univerity
April 1, 2013 Why Bayes: not an argument for but an explanation of
Michael Escobar, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
March 27, 2013 Up in the Air: Understanding Our Changing Atmosphere
Kim Strong, Physics and next Director of the School of the Environment
March 25, 2013 The ecological genetics of adaptation to acid soils in the wild grass Anthoxanthum odoratum
Billie Gould, Stinchcombe Lab
March 22, 2013 Do bacteria have sex?
Rosie Redfield, University of British Columbia
March 18, 2013 Speciation, biogeography and evolutionary genomics in the Caesar’s mushrooms
Santiago Sanchez-Ramirez, Appraisal Seminar
March 18, 2013 RESCHEDULED: Quantifying fish habitat use and movement patterns in the St. Lawrence River using biogeochemical gradients in 13C, 15N, and 18O
Katie Roach, University of Quebec, Trois Riviere
March 15, 2013 The ups and downs of population fluctuations
David Vasseur, Yale University
March 15, 2013 The evolutionary ecology of novel plant-pathogen interactions and plant invasions
Ingrid Parker, University of California Santa Cruz
March 13, 2013 Male mate choice: insights from black widows
Emily Macleod, Exit Seminar