Scroll to calendar listings to view all events and seminars offered by EEB
- EEB Seminars
- Livestream seminars can be viewed here seminar link.
Seminars in other departments
Atwood Colloquium in Ecology & Evolution
This special two-day event provides a fantastic opportunity to learn about the most exciting research in ecology & evolution being done at U of T and abroad.
Broadening Representation & Equity With Science (BREWS)
We promote inclusion and equity through community-building tea breaks and data-driven discussions. We are always looking for speakers & ideas for discussions, so please get in touch!
Conservation Science Group
The EEB Conservation Group is a collaboration of undergrad & grad students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty interested in conservation science.
Upcoming & Past Events
July 25, 2014 Plant Communication that Affects Herbivory
Rick Karban, UC Davis
July 25, 2014 Characterizing the role of dietary antioxidants as immune-enhancing molecules in larval anurans
Dorina Szuroczki, Exit seminar
July 24, 2014 Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Herbivory on Plant Communities
Nash Turley, Exit Seminar
July 16, 2014 The nature of selection on flowering time: integrating contributions through male and female fitness
Emily Austen, Exit seminar
July 15, 2014 TBA
Mark Johnston, Dalhousie University
June 10, 2014 A molecular perspective on phenotype plasticity: Evolutionary analysis of microteiid lizards (Reptilia: Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae)
Santiago J. Sánchez-Pacheco, Appraisal seminar
June 5, 2014 Simple solutions to complex problems in fisheries
Matthew Burgess, visiting PhD student from the labs
of Dave Tilman and Steve Polasky at U. Minnesota
May 29, 2014 Male choice and costly sexual signals in moths
Dr. Ally Harari, Department of Entomology, The Volcani Center, Israel
May 28, 2014 Molecular Systematics and Genome Evolution of Smittium and Allies (Harpellales)
Yan Wang, Appraisal seminar
May 22, 2014 Evening Primroses – A model for cytoplasmic speciation barriers and functional asexuality
Stephan Greiner, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology