Scroll to calendar listings to view all events and seminars offered by EEB
- EEB Seminars
- Livestream seminars can be viewed here seminar link.
Seminars in other departments
Atwood Colloquium in Ecology & Evolution
This special two-day event provides a fantastic opportunity to learn about the most exciting research in ecology & evolution being done at U of T and abroad.
Broadening Representation & Equity With Science (BREWS)
We promote inclusion and equity through community-building tea breaks and data-driven discussions. We are always looking for speakers & ideas for discussions, so please get in touch!
Conservation Science Group
The EEB Conservation Group is a collaboration of undergrad & grad students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty interested in conservation science.
Upcoming & Past Events
May 22, 2014 Evening Primroses – A model for cytoplasmic speciation barriers and functional asexuality
Stephan Greiner, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology
May 16, 2014 Of fluorescent sperm in a transparent flatworm: using functional genomics to study sex in a simultaneous hermaphrodite
Lukas Schärer, University of Basel
May 9, 2014 Sexual selection and the cycle of speciation in birds
May 5, 2014 TBA
Cedric Aria, Appraisal Seminar
April 25, 2014 Signatures of the Great Human Expansion
Speaker: Sohini Ramachandran, Brown University Ramachandran lab Friday Apr 25 in ESC B142 **talk at 3:00pm** Host: Megan Frederickson
April 17, 2014 Some causes and consequences of non-random movement in animals
Paola Pulido-Santacruz, Appraisal seminar
April 17, 2014 Dynamics of Speciation in Neotropical Birds: Speciation Rates, Hybridization and Reproductive Isolation
Sohini Ramachandran, Brown University
April 15, 2014 The Persistence of Algal Viruses in Freshwater Ecosystems
Jordan Pleet, Appraisal seminar
April 14, 2014 Biotic interactions as determinants of range limits: Linking species distribution models with field experiments shows mutualist-mediated range expansion
Andrew Long, Appraisal Seminar
April 9, 2014 Metabolic scaling as a life history trait: the evolution of ontogenetic allometries in damselflies
Michelle Afkhami, Stinchcombe Lab